Here are six myths about wood burning stoves. You may have heard of some, but likely have not heard them all. 

Given time, every product will have some form of myth attached to it. Since wood burning stoves have been a part of the home for hundreds of years, you can bet there are plenty of myths to go along with them. Here are Six myths about wood burning stoves. You may have heard of some, but likely have not heard them all.

Burning Wood Has a Negative Effect on the Environment 

This one is a big myth that has been floating around for many years. To say that wood burning is bad for the environment is quite laughable as burning wood actually emits the same amount of Carbon Dioxide that allowing a tree to decay naturally does. Another way people claim the negative effect on the environment is the amount of smoke emitted. Truthfully, the amount of smoke comes from the amount of moisture left in the wood. Properly seasoned wood for optimal wood burning in a modern wood stove is between 24% and 30% moisture. The newly improved clean burning systems take care of most of the smoke emitted, so wood burning stoves are truly not bad for the environment.

Wood Burning Stoves are Less Efficient Than an Open Fireplace

If you have ever thought that an open fireplace is more efficient than a wood stove, you are not alone, but are in fact entirely wrong. An open fireplace allows heat to go where ever it chooses and unfortunately most of that heat, in fact well over 75% of it, is emitted out of the flue rather than into the interior of the home. With a wood burning stove, heat is concentrated and utilised more efficiently. With the door closed, a wood stove only loses between 15% and 30% of its heat through the flue. The rest is emitted from the blower and permeates from the cast iron sides and top for a truly efficient, warm heat.

Wood Burning Stoves are Only Good for When there is a Power Cut

Where it is an excellent idea to have alternative heating sources for when a power cut happens, that is of course not the only time a wood burning stove is effective. A unit that is placed in a central location of a home will not only warm the room it is in, but actually warms the entire home quite efficiently. With a standard electric central heating system much of the heat is lost through the ducting and radiator system making them not nearly as efficient as a wood burning stove.

Owning a Wood Burning Stove is a Lot of Hard Work and Cleaning

This one might surprise you, but due to new designs and an overall revamp of the clean burning system in most wood burning stoves, they are remarkably easy to clean. Where it is true that you will have to brush out any remaining soot and unburned wood pieces, the process is quite easy. Occasionally, you will have to perform a deeper clean to the unit, but this only tends to have to be done once or maybe twice per year.

Some also claim that cutting wood is a lot of hard work and where it is a laborious task, it is not always necessary for cost effective burning. Wood providers sell wood at a remarkably inexpensive rate and buying wood from one of these approved suppliers can and will cost far less than running your standard electric or oil central heating system without the backbreaking work of splitting your own wood. It is a win win really.

I Can Burn Anything in My Wood Burning Stove

No!! Absolutely not. Due to the concentrated nature of a wood burning stove, great caution must be taken in what is actually burned within it. Burning woods that are known to be poisonous or rubbish containing chemicals and paints concentrates their effects and can be harmful to your family.

Only burn woods that are approved for your wood burning stove. Woods such as pine can cause creosote to build within the system and cause potential fires. Hardwoods such as beech, birch, and ash are among the best types of woods available. These woods burn adequately and are widely available at most wood suppliers. Properly dried and seasoned wood burned in a wood stove will keep it cleaner longer, help with the longevity of your stove and provide your home with the most optimal heating resource on the market.

Wood Stoves are Expensive

Yes, the initial investment in a wood burning stove may be daunting, but when compared to standard central heating systems, there is actually savings to be had. Central heating units will always cost money to run and maintain without ever really giving the homeowner economic benefits. Wood burning stoves cost initially, but pay back the owner over time. With very little maintenance costs and parts to fix, wood stoves have proven to be the most economical and best way to heat a home in even the coldest of weather, so you cannot go wrong investing in a quality, beautifully manufactured wood burning stove for your home.

Wood burning stoves have been a trusted heating source for hundreds of years and have proven their worth in practically every style of home. If you are in the market for a new heating source for your property there has never been a better time to purchase a wood burning stove. New styles and designs make wood stoves adaptable to any style home and any décor. The choice is easy, trust wood burning stoves for an ideal heat and a wonderfully comfortable winter season.

Credit: https://jotul.com/uk/home/6-myths-about-wood-burning-stoves?fbclid=IwAR1UO5ju6pUEPDQtyCUS226yVH23oTIgd3x4-xHLiFAccFF5k81YIjESieI